Donation Information
Thank you for your interest in donating to help increase Doxa’s impact throughout Tijuana! As a 501c3 non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible in the United States.
Donation Methods
- Click here for Doxa’s secure online donation page.
- There are options for recurring and one-time donations using credit/debit cards and ACH.
Mail a Check
- Checks can be made out to Doxa and mailed to:
7511 Greenwood Ave. N #408
Seattle, WA 98103
Company Matching and Volunteer Hours
- Doxa accepts company matching donations and volunteer hours.
- Each employer may have a slightly different process of applying your donation. Please contact us for any specific questions.
- Doxa’s EIN is 91-1765897 in case you need to look it up in your employer’s donation system.
- Send Venmo donations to @doxa-tj
- Donate through PayPal or send donations to [email protected]
- Send Zelle donations to [email protected]
Amazon Wishlist
- Purchase needed items on our Amazon Wishlist. It is mostly school supplies for when students head back to school each fall.
Social Media
- Create your own fundraisers and spread the word about Doxa to your friends and family through Facebook, Instagram, or GoFundMe.
Publicly Traded Securities and Other Assets
- Doxa accepts these donations through the National Christian Foundation.
- Please download and complete this Stock and Mutual Fund Transfer Form.
- On page 2, please make sure to gift your assets to:
- Giving Fund Number: 915662
- Giving Fund Name: The Doxa Single-Charity Fund
- On page 2, please make sure to gift your assets to:
- In addition to notifying your brokerage firm of the transfer, please send a copy to NCF Northwest at:
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 888-672-7302
- Doxa also works with NCF to accept other types of non-cash gifts. You can find more information here and the required forms here.
While Doxa makes every effort to allocate your donation towards your specified use, we reserve the right to repurpose funds. All donations are nonrefundable and will always only be used for furthering Doxa’s vision and mission.