Summer Camp
Every July, Doxa organizes a summer camp for over 100 kids. During the 4-week camp, kids get ample opportunity to interact with each other and play games, sports, and other structured activities. Additionally, we have a focus of learning values; such as respect, appreciation, acceptance, loyalty, generosity, and peace. There’s also some school review sprinkled in, just to make sure kids don’t forget everything over summer break! Summer camp started in 2010.
Field trips to various parts of Tijuana occur every week. Some previous destinations have included the cultural center, science museum, Imax theater, beach, parks, and zoo. It’s important that kids have the opportunity to get outside of their neighborhood, see other areas, and experience the world around them. It is this sense of exploration that leads to kids knowing what else is out there and waking up other interests in their lives. If all they ever know is their small neighborhood and the people within it, then it’s significantly harder for them to dream about all the possibilities out there for their futures.